
株式会社IGPIグループ、株式会社経営共創基盤および株式会社IGPI Digital Intelligence(以下、総称して「IGPIグループ」といいます。)のウェブサイト(以下、「本サイト」といいます。)は、下記に定める条件(以下、「本利用条件」といいます。)に従ってご利用頂くことを条件として提供するものです。








IGPIグループはコンピューターウィルスその他の利用者の皆様のシステム、ソフトウェアまたはデータに対し、使用不能、消去、改竄する等の危害を加えるプログラム等が本サイトのコンテンツに含まれていないことを保証するものではありません。 本サイトの利用またはこれに関連して生じる直接的損害、間接的損害、偶発的損害、特別損害、付随的損害、結果的損害およびその他のあらゆる損害について、IGPIグループは一切責任を負いません。



[Reference translation] Terms of use

The website of IGPI Group, Inc., Industrial Growth Platform, Inc., and IGPI Digital Intelligence, Inc. (hereinafter collectively “IGPI Group”) (hereinafter this “Website”) is provided based on the condition that the user has agreed to use this Website on the terms listed below (hereinafter the “Terms of Use”). By accessing this Website, you are deemed to have accepted the Terms of Use. This English version of the Terms of Use is a reference translation and is provided for the convenience of the user; however, in the event of any discrepancy, the Japanese version of the Terms of Use shall take precedence over the English version.

1. Copyright

All copyrights related to the contents on this Website (hereinafter the “Contents”), in principle, belong to IGPI Group. Unauthorized use of the Contents (including reproduction, copying, transmitting to the public, distribution, recitation, exhibition, translation and adaptation, etc.) without prior written consent from IGPI Group, except for personal use and other uses permitted by copyright law, is prohibited.

2. Trademarks

Trademarks, marks, and logos listed on this Website (hereinafter “IGPI Group Trademark, etc.”) belong to IGPI Group. Use of IGPI Group Trademark, etc. requires prior written consent from IGPI Group. Unauthorized use of IGPI Group Trademark, etc. is prohibited.

3. Usage of this Website

Links to external websites are provided for the convenience of the user, and IGPI Group holds no responsibility for linked websites and their contents. Additionally, IGPI Group reserves the right to demand the removal of any link to this Website at any time to protect its reputation, copyright, trademarks, and other rights.

4. Disclaimer

The purpose of this Website is to provide general information from IGPI Group for users, including IGPI Group’s shareholders and clients. The information does not constitute the rendering of professional consulting and is not intended as a substitute for consultation. IGPI Group does not intend to influence judgments regarding investment based on the Contents. IGPI Group takes meticulous care regarding the Contents but does not guarantee its accuracy. IGPI Group does not guarantee that this Website is free from any virus or other harmful element that may disable, erase, alter, or cause other problems to the users’ computer system, software and/or database. IGPI Group is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential, or other damages. IGPI Group, in its sole discretion and without notice, may revise or terminate the Contents. We hold no responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential, or other damages as a result of any revision to or termination of this Website.

5. Jurisdiction

The Terms of Use shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. If any dispute arises between the user and IGPI Group, the dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in the first instance.

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