
株式会社IGPIグループ、株式会社経営共創基盤及び株式会社IGPI Digital Intelligence(以下、総称して「IGPIグループ」といいます。)は、個人情報の取扱いに関して本プライバシーポリシーを遵守いたします。

1. 個人情報の取得について


2. 個人情報の利用目的


  1. ハンズオン成長支援業務、経営コンサルティング業務、M&A ほか各種アドバイザリー業務、各種デュー・ディリジェンス業務(事業、財務/会計、不動産評価、システム等)
  2. クライアント企業候補に対する経営サポート並びに出融資の検討及び判断
  3. クライアント企業の価値向上のための経営コンサルティング業務
  4. 大学等の研究機関等との研究開発、インキュベーション等の仕組みや活動等の検討
  5. 役職員の採用選考及び採用後の人事管理
  6. IGPIグループ業務に関するお問い合わせ等への回答
  7. 研究会、講演、セミナーその他の催し物等のご案内
  8. 書籍、ニュースレターその他の情報、年賀状等の挨拶状等のご送付及びご送信
  9. その他上記に付随するIGPIグループの業務を適切かつ円滑に行うため

3. 個人データの第三者提供について


4. 個人データの共同利用


  1. 共同して利用される個人データ
  2. 共同して利用する者の範囲
  3. 共同して利用する者の利用目的
    1. ハンズオン成長支援業務、経営コンサルティング業務、M&A ほか各種アドバイザリー業務、各種デュー・ディリジェンス業務(事業、財務/会計、不動産評価、システム等)
    2. クライアント企業候補に対する経営サポート並びに出融資の検討及び判断
    3. クライアント企業の価値向上のための経営コンサルティング業務
    4. 大学等の研究機関等との研究開発、インキュベーション等の仕組みや活動等の検討
    5. 従業員・役員及び執行役員規程に定める執行役員(以下「執行役員」という。)、その他の従業者の採用選考及び採用後の人事管理
    6. IGPIグループ業務に関するお問い合わせ等への回答
    7. 研究会、講演、セミナーその他の催し物等のご案内
    8. 書籍、ニュースレターその他の情報、年賀状等の挨拶状等のご送付及びご送信
    9. その他上記に付随するIGPIグループの業務を適切かつ円滑に行うため
  4. 当該個人データの管理について責任を有する者の氏名又は名称
    株式会社IGPIグループ 東京都千代田区丸の内一丁目9番2号 グラントウキョウサウスタワー8階 代表取締役CEO 村岡 隆史

5. 個人情報の管理について


6. 個人情報の開示・訂正・削除について


7. 個人情報保護体制


8. 特定個人情報について

IGPIグループは、特定個人情報(番号法2 条8 項に定める特定個人情報をいいます。)については、番号法の趣旨を踏まえた、特定個人情報取扱規程その他の規定を整備し、適切な社内体制を構築した上で、情報の取得から廃棄に至るまで厳格に管理します。

9. Cookieとアクセスログの利用について

IGPIグループは、本ポリシーに記載した目的のために、Cookieを取得し、利用することがあります。 またIGPIグループのウェブサイトでは、アクセスされた方の情報をアクセスログという形で記録しています。





  • ログイン状態を記憶し、訪問者の認証やセッションの維持、セキュリティ対策に利用するため
  • 言語などの設定内容や最終訪問日時などを記憶しておき、利便性を向上するため
  • 訪問回数や利用形態などを把握することにより、より良いサービスを提供するため
  • ウェブサーバで発生した問題の原因を突き止め解決するため。


この分析にあたっては、Google Analyticsを利用しています。Google Analyticsとは、ウェブサイトの利用状況(訪問者数、アクセス元、閲覧ページ など)を把握するため、ユーザーの利用する端末上のクッキーにアクセスすることができるサービスです。

Google Analyticsでデータが収集、処理される仕組み、Google Analyticsの利用規約及びGoogle社のプライバシーポリシーについては、Google社が提供する下記サイトをご覧ください。

ウェブ閲覧におけるGoogle Analyticsの無効設定については下記サイトをご覧ください。

  • Googleのサービスを使用するサイトやアプリから収集した情報のGoogleによる使用

10. プライバシーポリシーの見直し


11. お問い合わせ窓口


Privacy Policy

IGPI Group, Inc., Industrial Growth Platform, Inc., and IGPI Digital Intelligence, Inc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “IGPI Group”) acknowledge the significance of personal privacy protection and abide by this Privacy Policy in handling personal information.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

IGPI Group acquires Personal information (referring to personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information) and Personal data (referring to personal data as defined in Article 16, Paragraph 3 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information) for specifically defined purposes of use through legal and fair methods.

2. Use of Personal Information

IGPI Group uses Personal information only for the following purposes or to the extent of achieving the objectives publicly notified by legal means. IGPI Group does not use Personal information other than for purposes permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law and other related regulations.

  1. Hands on growth strategy consulting, management consulting, M&A consulting, and other advisory and various due diligence services (business, finance, real-estate, and IT systems consulting)
  2. Consideration of management support and/or investment in clients
  3. Management consulting to enhance client corporate value
  4. Consideration of mechanisms and activities, including research and development, incubation, and other activities, with universities and other research institutions Evaluation of IGPI Group’s applicants and human resource management subsequent to hiring
  5. Response to inquiries brought to the IGPI Group
  6. Providing information on workshops, lectures, seminars, and other events
  7. Sending and providing books, newsletters and other information, and new year’s card and other greeting cards
  8. Other activities that support our services

3. Provision of Personal Data Disclosure.

Unless prescribed by law and other regulatory requirements, IGPI Group does not provide Personal data to a third party without prior consent from the person who provided the information.

4. Joint Use of Personal data

IGPI Group may use Personal data jointly within the scope provided below.

  1. Items of Personal data that may be used jointly
    All Personal data, excluding data that you have specifically requested not to be used jointly.
  2. Scope of the entities that will use Personal data jointly
  3. Domestic group companies posted on https://www.group.igpi.co.jp/The purpose of use for joint users
    1. Hands on growth strategy consulting, management consulting, M&A consulting, and other advisory and various due diligence services (business, finance, real-estate, and IT systems consulting)
    2. Consideration of management support and/or investment in clients
    3. Management consulting to enhance client corporate value
    4. Consideration of mechanisms and activities, including research and development, incubation, and other activities, with universities and other research institutions.
    5. Evaluation of IGPI Group’s applicants and human resource management subsequent to hiring
    6. Response to inquiries brought to IGPI Group. Providing information on workshops, lectures. seminars, and other events
    7. Sending and providing books, newsletters and other information, and new year’s card and other greeting cards
    8. Other activities that support our services
  4. Name of the party responsible for the management of the said Personal data
    IGPI Group, Inc.
    Gran Tokyo South Tower 8F, 1-9-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6608
    Managing Partner Takashi Muraoka

5. Management of Personal Information

IGPI Group will make its best efforts to maintain the accuracy of Personal information. In order to manage Personal information, including the prevention of loss, damage, falsification and divulgation, IGPI Group takes appropriate security measures such as the establishment of Personal Information Management Protocols and other necessary corporate policies (hereafter, “Corporate Policies”). IGPI Group has appointed a Personal information management professional and has conducted appropriate executive and employee training as well as seminars. Personal information obtained will be appropriately deleted or returned upon completion of use according to IGPI Group’s Corporate Policies.

6. Disclosure, Correction, Deletion of Personal Information.

IGPI Group will disclose Personal information upon request from the person who provided Personal information, after confirming the person’s identity. IGPI Group will, if necessary, immediately correct or delete Personal information upon request by the person who provided Personal information, after confirming the person’s identity.

7. Personal Information Safety Mechanism

IGPI Group will continue to improve its Personal information management system to secure Personal information.

8. Specific Personal Information

IGPI Group will strictly manage Specified Personal information (referring to specified personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 8 of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures) from the acquisition of the information to its disposal, by developing rules for handling specified personal information and other regulations based on the purpose of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures and by establishing an appropriate internal system.

9. Use of Cookies and Access log

IGPI Group may acquire and use Cookies for the purposes described in this policy. In addition, IGPI Group’s website records information on visitors in the form of access log.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on a client’s computer when they visit a website. Those text files store and save information that can be read by the website operator when you visit that website again at a later time.

You can control whether or not to accept cookies by using your browser settings or other tools. However, if you disable cookies or restrict the ability to set cookies, you may not be able to access all or some features of the website, thus limiting your overall convenience.

Access logs are information from users’ access logs, including IP addresses, access times and dates, referrers, accessed files and browser type, but they don’t include information that can identify an individual.

We only use access logs data to improve the user experience on our websites and services.

We may use cookies and access logs for the following purposes:

  • To remember your login status and use it for visitor authentication, session maintenance, and security measures;
  • To improve convenience by remembering language settings and the date and time of the last visit;
  • To provide better services by understanding the number of visits and usage patterns; and
  • To identify and resolve the cause of problems that occur on the web server.

Information collected through the use of cookies may be used to analyze your use of the website and to improve and enhance the website and services.

For this analysis, IGPI Groupt use the product “Google Analytics”, a service that allows us to access the cookies on the user’s device in order to understand how the website is being used (number of visitors, access source, pages viewed, etc.).

For more information about how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, Google Analytics Terms of Service, and Google’s Privacy Policy, please visit the following website provided by Google.

For more information on disabling Google Analytics for web browsing, please visit the following website.

10. Revision of the Privacy Policy

IGPI Group may revise part or all of its privacy policy. Any significant changes will be notified through IGPI Group’s Website.

11. Inquiries

Please direct all inquiries to the Inquiry Form if you wish to lodge a request for disclosure of your Personal information or any inquiry regarding IGPI Group’s Privacy Policy.

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