
Market expansion into Australia

Tokyo, February 25, 2020–Industrial Growth Platform Inc. (IGPI) established its presence in Melbourne, Australia to add to its global footprint of Japan, ASEAN and China. Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. Australia (“IGPI Australia”) is a branch office of IGPI’s fully owned overseas subsidiary – Industrial Growth Platform Pte. Ltd. (“IGPI Singapore”).

IGPI Australia will support Japanese companies enter and grow in the Australian market as well as assist Australian businesses to capture Asian market opportunities. In line with IGPI group’s core strength, the Australian office will support effective strategy planning and execution.

Keeping in mind the diverse business opportunities across various Australian states, IGPI Australia will have a pan-Australia focus.

[Overview of IGPI Australia:]
Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. Australia
Level 24, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
TEL: +61 417 433 572
Overseeing Partner: Kohki Sakata
Country Manager: Rachit Khosla

IGPI Singapore
Kohki Sakata
Tel:+65 6226 1524

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